Pack of Saints

The Family Pack- 2023

Bear is the alpha. He is the ultimate protector of this family. As big as he is in size, his heart is just as big. He’s a lady’s man for sure. He allows his girls to get a drink before he does. He also shares his food bowl with them. He does have his personal space that he likes. And if he’s getting mommy or daddy time, he gets very upset with the other dogs if they interfere. He will set them straight real quick, letting them know that they crossed the line. If the dogs are playing too hard with one another and he gets concerned, he’ll put a stop to it as well.

Bear having an afternoon nap
Bear loves to sleep with his legs stretched out

With the females, it’s all about a pecking order. Nana is the matriarch, the beta. She sees the other girls as her babies or younger siblings. She has taught them how to fight, what to bark at, and what each one of their roles are. If she needs a drink and the others are drinking, she will push her way through to get to the water bowl. They immediately know to move to the side. She’s the boss. Nana is exceptionally smart. She has a very keen sense of smell, hearing, and eye sight. And she loves to hunt. All puppies from every litter come to her for inspection and approval. It is so precious to watch her check each one of them out and give them a kiss. She’s super loving.  

Bear & Nana the best of friends
Nana having a big yawn

If it’s any of them that forget her rank, it’s Autumn. She is the tallest and strongest female of the pack, and she’s the Beta. So sometimes Nana has to remind her with a stare down. Autumn will submit to that authority. Never a fight, just a reminder who’s boss. Autumn has a quirky personality. I swear she smiles. I call her the Joker. And she talks every time she yawns. She likes to whine when she’s not getting enough attention. She thinks she has to be loved 24/7 and doesn’t like to share the attention. A true DIVA!

Autumn smiling
Autumn being spoiled by daddy

Abigail is more laid back and really doesn’t care. She’ll find a toy to play with instead. She loves squeaker toys. She tries to keep the peace and the love going. They all love each other and will protect the pack. But like with most families, an argument may break out once and a great moon. And someone has to break it up. That usually is Abigail. She is a true wiggle butt. She gets excited and she starts wiggling around. It can be challenging trying to get a leash and collar on her because she’s wiggling around. We call her Wiggle Butt Abby.

Abigail chillin’
Abigail chewing on a bone
Copper chilling in the yard
Copper and his niece
Ahsoka loves to sit on top of the rock
Ahsoka at her vet appointment
Daisy posing for the camera
Daisy taking a nap
Pepper enjoying a bone
Pepper waiting to be loved on by me


Family Fun


As mentioned on our home page, we moved from Magnolia, Kentucky to Metcalf, Illinois in July 2023. We spent almost 6 weeks staining and installing a 6′ wood/metal fencing in our front yard. We still have the backyard to finish up, but we finally opened up the front yard to them. They were super excited to see more of the property, lots more area to run and plenty of shade under our big trees. The wind blows almost constantly here in our area and the dogs love that. They can’t wait for Illinois winter!! And the vehicles that drive by are loving seeing St. Bernards. We get people stopping to look at them, horns honking, etc. It’s amazing how much people love St Bernards and yet have never seen one in person. We’re thinking of putting up signs on the highway that say “St Bernard Lookout Ahead”.


As a reminder of her rank, Nana will get in front of the dog she is reminding that she is head matriarch. She will stare the dog down and steal whatever they are chewing on. In this case, it’s Autumn getting the stare down and the bone stolen away. Nana walked past 3 other bones to get to Autumn. But she had to have Autumn’s bone. At least she didn’t steal from the puppies this time!

Nana stealing a bone from Autumn

We live about a mile from a train track. There’s a crossing there that the train always has to blow his horn. The dogs are not fond of the noise it makes, so they respond to it with barking and howling. This is just a small sample of what I get to hear every time there’s a train on the track. It’s even louder when they do this inside the barn!

The dogs barking/howling at the train horn