Porch Studies

For a long time, I have wanted to write my own studies to help people learn more about God or least make them ponder on what I have written. Too many of us want to keep God inside a box. God is way too great to be kept in a box. He’s the creator of all the universe, and the last I knew, the universe was not box shaped.

My plans for these studies is to take one chapter at a time, write a little bit about what I think certain scriptures are saying (at least to me), and then pray through those scriptures. Of course, that’s my plan. As the studies progress, I’m sure God will lead me in other ways as well. The main thing is, I want us to go deep in our walk with God. Let’s get out of the funk, and get on fire for God.

One thing you can do to help get on fire for God is what I call the E.R.A.S.E.R. It’s something I came up with that I hope helps. Here’s what the letters stand for:

E- erase all the bad, all the lies, shut off the noise, and start fresh. It’s a new day. The past is in the past.

R- raise a hallelujah (worship God) through praise, music, and prayer. Get your mind set ready. Rejoice always in the Lord.

A- admit your sins, ask for forgiveness, ask for His guidance, ask Him to clear your mind, calm your heart, and open your ears to hear Him.

S- seek what God is saying to you, seek answers in His Word, speak your thankfulness of all He’s done and going to do, spread His Word, and show love to others. You are His sunshine, so shine!

E- exalt Thee (no one/nothing is above God), execute what God is telling you to do, and enforce your decision (don’t be luke warm or in the gray zone). Exam your emotions always to make sure they’re in line with God.

R- remember who you are in Christ, remember to wear the full armor of God, you are redeemed, and you are heir to the Royal Kingdom of God!


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